March 19, 2024

Christian Boldness: Courage Erupting from a Strong Foundation

Christian Boldness: Courage Erupting from a Strong Foundation

At the heart of Christian living lies an essential yet often overlooked virtue—boldness. This characteristic is crucial to the Bible’s narratives of faith, calling believers to step out with courage from the shadows of timidity into the power of God's purpose. Both the Old and New Testaments portray bravery as a prerequisite to occupying God's promised land for us. Indeed, taking hold of God’s blessings frequently requires the courage of faith.

Boldness in the context of Christian life is not reckless abandon but a deeply rooted confidence in God's promises to His children. Whether facing giants of fear, climbing mountains of doubt, or navigating the turbulent waters of life's challenges, this daring faith empowers Christians to stand firm. This divine courage is a testament to an unwavering trust nourished by roots of faith.

Asking God to amplify the boldness of our daily walk with Christ gets us out of our comfort zone and into life’s adventures. From Jesus’ example, we know He didn’t skulk away in the face of adversity. No one would call His life “boring,” nor did He build us out of flimsy stuff. No. A life anchored in the reassurance of God’s love is dynamic and expansive.

As Christians, Jesus is our ultimate example of boldness. From His unwavering obedience to God's will, His fearless confrontation with religious authorities, and His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus exemplifies righteous courage.

Christians and everyone else, struggle to muster the courage to face life’s challenges. It takes nerve to live–and even more to thrive. In our perpetual dance with courage and doubt, we are constantly looking around to see who is bolder and braver and how we can cultivate that quality. The problem is that all forms of “courage” may appear the same. But wisdom-inspired bravery is a world apart from the counterfeit foolhardiness we frequently display. 

Boldness in faith is not arrogance or bravado; it flows from God’s love and His promises, not from our own impulsiveness. 

The Bible is packed with examples of God’s calls for holy boldness, contrasting it with man’s self-motivated follies. 

Genuine, God-centered, Christ-purchased boldness facilitates heroic deeds in the face of earthly uncertainties. When we invite God into all of our decisions, even those involving imperfections, lusts, and sins, His forgiveness and grace work everything together for good. 

Boldness that springs forth from our indwelling Holy Spirit can move mountains of all kinds; a dare-to-dream attitude toward life propels transformation, growth, and victory. Blending faith and audacity makes all things possible.

There’s a mighty gap between man’s ego-driven confidence and God’s authentic, spiritual horsepower. When we feel God’s presence in our lives, we confidently take more risks and enjoy more rest than we do under our own direction.

You’ve probably lived long enough to accumulate regrets from following worldly motivations and living in the aftermath of those poor decisions. We get stuck in these patterns, partially because we don’t fully grasp the magnitude of God’s ambitions for us. 

Jesus consistently modeled a “holy boldness” that didn’t take “no” for an answer. Despite this, and even though they walked with Him, the disciples needed repeated reassurances in situations requiring Christian courage.